Are you looking at the mirror and wondering why you still have spots in your 30’s, 40’s or even 50’s?!

Are you frustrated at looking like a spotty teenager when you’re trying to put your best face forward in the working world?

If you’re still battling acne after your turbulent teens and trying to figure out what’s going on, this blog is written especially for you.

I know how it feels like having adult acne. I was a spotty teenager but entering my 20’s, I thought I cleared it. Then in my early 30’s, it started again with a vengeance. I felt self-conscious, cancelling on romantic dates and affecting my work performance. I tried antibiotics and birth control pills with some result but plenty of side effects. I refused the Roaccutane worried of its side effects. I spent a lot of money on creams which worked well but I had to keep using them which wasn’t very good for my pocket.

So I had to find a better solution. After much studying, researching and working with my patients 1-2-1 to clear their acne, I have found these 5 internal causes to be the common root causes. If you treat the root cause, your breakouts can be controlled and your skin behaves itself without having to depend on too many skin products.

Here are the 5 reasons why you have adult acne (and ways to fight it)


This can be caused by lifestyle e.g. drinking coffee, exessive exercise, chemicals in the environment, sleep deprivation, the Pill and stress all strip your body of key micronutrients that keeps your hormones healthy and skin clear,

SOLUTION: Ensure you’re taking a basic multivitamin supplement with extra Vitamin B’s, Magnesium and Zinc. This acts as an insurance policy against endocrine disruptors that you’re doing (knowingly or unknowingly) that may be throwing you off balance. Zinc deficiency causes the pores to be easily irritated and red. Supplementing with Zinc has been researched to be very effective against acne even when compared to common antibiotics used. Reflect upon your lifestyle choices and give it a skin-supporting make-over.



A damaged and depleted gut micro-biome is one of the most common causes of internal inflammation. This can lead to inefficient absorption of nutrients required for skin health, food sensitivity and heightened immune response.

This is commonly seen in women on long term antibiotic use (usually given for acne), stress, the Pill and eating inflammatory foods. Inflammatory foods e.g. sugar, dairy, gluten and processed red meat can cause leaky gut syndrome – a condition where microscopic holes develop in the wall of your intestines, allowing molecules to pass through and create an inflammatory response in your body. When your liver and large intestine is not working well, your skin steps up and tries to eliminate the toxins, resulting in skin inflammation and acne.

SOLUTION: To speed up your healing, reduce or eliminate inflammatory foods from your diet as best as you can. Try cutting it out completely for 3 weeks, then if you still crave it, introduce it one by one 3 days apart, noticing the effects on your skin. Adding turmeric to your food is a good way to reduce inflammation. How you eat is also important – don’t rush your meals, chew your food and eat with good company.



Insulin is your sugar hormone balancing hormone. When it works efficiently, when you eat a large dose of sugar in one seating, the insulin goes to work to get the sugar in your blood into your brain and muscles. However when there is too much sugar about, the insulin becomes RESISTANT and it doesn’t do it’s job properly, leading to sugar being stored in fat, liver and cells. This results in gaining weight, a congested liver and cell glycation resulting in inflammation.

Sugar also enhances the effects of testosterone on the skin, leading to more oil production which can block the pores and cause acne.

Insulin resistance can be caused by PCOS, Metabolic syndrome, being overweight and eating too much sugar.

SOLUTION: Eat a healthy, balanced meal cutting down on processed sugar. Don’t skip meals and make sure you don’t go hungry. Have healthy snacks on the side to keep you going through the day. Cinnamon and Chromium picolinate supplement helps to improve insulin sensitivity.



Your liver is an important organ for detoxification, especially for excess hormones. A well-functioning liver also boosts your absorption of all vitamins and minerals, preventing deficiencies in the first place.

Alcohol, nutrient deficiency, the Pill, stress, insulin resistance – all can cause liver congestion. When detoxification is suboptimal, you can get Oestrogen Dominance (excess Oestrogen) leading to weight gain, skin sensitivity, acne and worsen PMS.

SOLUTION: Cut down on alcohol if possible. Manage stress. Optimise nutrient intake. Balance sugars. Take more foods that cleanses the liver naturally – garlic, grapefruit, beets and carrots, green tea, leafy green vegetables, avocados, olive oil, lemons and limes, turmeric, broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke and brussel sprouts.



I mentioned about Oestrogen Dominance above. Other hormonal imbalances that can cause acne are high testosterone, low progesterone, high cortisol and low melatonin.

You know your hormones are out of balance if you have acne, your periods are out of sync, you suffer from bad PMS, you have excessive hair on your face, you no longer handle stress as well and you can’t sleep.

SOLUTION: If you address causes 1-4, manage your stress and take basic supplements e.g. multivitamin + multimineral, Omega 3 and Vitamin D, this will give your body a fighting chance to  balance your hormones on it’s own.


I hope this blog sheds some light on your acne and give you a starting point to work from or dive deeper. You will find other useful blogs on my website on the topic of hormonal acne.

If however, you require more help in:-

  1. Finding out the root cause of your acne OR
  2. Helping you address any of the causes above through bespoke guidance, food planning, supplements, herbs or prescriptions,

Then do get in touch with me to continue the conversation.

Thank you again for reading. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.


To your best self.

Dr Terry