ACNE! Do you suffer from it?
I know from my personal experience and sharing my patient’s experience, it can be embarrassing, frustrating and sometimes, debilitating.
We often expect them in our teenage years and hope it will clear by the time we are in our 20s. Unfortunately we are seeing more people suffering from adult acne either continuing until their 30s or 40s or even worse, appearing for the first time in adulthood.
When I was researching the different types of acne…you can find over 20 types! I know…it’s scary!
Different Types of Acne:
Acne Cosmetica – acne caused by or aggravated by cosmetics.
Acne Mechanica – skin eruptions that appear after repetitive physical trauma to the skin such as rubbing using the phone directly on the skin, occurring from clothing (belts and straps) or sports equipment (football helmets and shoulder pads).
Acne Medicamentosa – acne caused by medication.
Halogen Acne – acne caused by iodides, bromides and fluorides (halogens) that induce skin eruptions similar to that observed with steroids.
Tropical acne – unusually severe acne occurring in the tropics during seasons when the weather is hot and humid
However, the most common type I see is Hormonal Acne…
Hormonal Acne is acne caused by a fluctuation or rise in hormones. There are a few hormones that may be involved e.g. testosterone, cortisol, insulin, progesterone and even oestrogen.
To help clear hormonal acne, we need to first determine if it is hormone related.
In this week’s video, I give you a few key points which you can look out for to determine if your acne is hormone related or not. It’s a lot more empowering once you know the cause of it.
There are many natural ways to clear hormonal acne which I share in this video.
I hope you find this video useful, if you like it, please share: share to Twitter
I know this can be a sensitive topic and I often have women email me directly with acne concerns. I too suffered from acne in the past and watched my late mother suffer in silence from the terrible scars from acne.
It’s my hope that we can share our experiences and solutions with one another so other people can benefit too.
Do you or did you suffer from hormonal acne?
How did you find out your hormones were out of balance?
What did you do to clear your acne and balance your hormones?
Do let me know…..I would love to hear from you.
If you’re still looking for solutions and would like more information about hormonal acne and how to clear it naturally, you can find out more with my book, The Hormonal Acne Solution and you can download the first two chapters for taster.
Thank you again for watching, reading and sharing. I am truly grateful I am able to share my knowledge, experience and insights with you on this platform.
With gratitude,